A loan helped a member to buy seat covers in bulk and also venture into poultry.

Mazviita Group's story

Business opportunities have been created by those who have identified a need to be addressed, a problem to be solved, and a niche market not being served. There are some markets that people have generally avoided or are skeptical to venture into because they seem “flooded.” One example is that of cross-border trading. Despite all those preconceived ideas, this has been an area that has enabled Charity to earn a living. She is a member of the Mazviita Group, which is left with two members from which the other 4 members dropped along the way. The remaining two women have fulfilled 6 loan cycles with Thrive, making them one of our valued platinum clients. From the training they got at Thrive, their financial muscles have since improved making them better entrepreneurs.

Charity is a 43-year-old lady with two of her five children going to school. She has been a cross-border trader for over five years. She used the profits to reinvest in the business, pay household expenses, and improve her living standards by acquiring furniture. With her share of this loan, Charity will buy seat covers in bulk and also venture into poultry. She bought 150 broilers, feeds, and medicine. Her desire is to own a retail shop where she will be supplying her products without a struggle.

In this group: Charity, Eunice

This loan is special because:

It helps women access affordable funding with targeted business training.

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