A loan helped invest in a bulk purchase of silver and jade, and make improvements to her workshop.

Zandra's story

Zandra is an artist and designer from Guatemala who specializes in jade jewelry. For this loan she would like to make improvements to her workshop and invest in a bulk purchase of silver and jade.

Zandra has been selling through NOVICA since 2011. This is her story:

Zandra says, "The first thing I ever made on my own was a pair of silver earrings. My husband taught me so I could help him. I felt happy as I saw the jewelry I had crafted and how beautiful it was."

"I am very grateful for your support. Through these loans you have given me the help I need to continue building up the dream that is my little workshop and my business. These funds will allow me to buy materials at better prices and ensure that I will be able to keep working into next year. I thank you very much and I am sure that God will multiply the blessings that you have helped me achieve."

Use the link below to view Zandra's jade jewelry on the NOVICA site:


This loan is special because:

It gives artisans working capital at 0% interest rates.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details