A loan helped to buy wheat flour, firewood, beans, butter, cheese, honey, coffee, milk and oats.

Balbina's story

Señora Balbina G. is 54 years old and she has a common-law marriage. She had seven children, only four of whom still depend on her as the others have set up their own homes.

Señora Balbina sells baleadas (a wheat-flour tortilla filled with beans and other ingredients), pancakes, osmil (oatmeal), coffee, cereal with milk, rosquillas (ring-shaped pastries) and tamales. She has been selling this food in the town of Langue for a long time. This business has allowed her to support her family for many years. Her greatest wish is for her children to be honorable and professional people.

Señora Balbina needs a loan to buy the ingredients with which to prepare the food she sells. She purchases the ingredients wholesale to increase her income.

Translated from Spanish.

Loan details

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Loan details