A loan helped to pay for the installation of a complete drip irrigation kit and a water pump for maximum water utilization.

Susan's story

Meet Susan, a married mom who has a beautiful smile that is contagious. After knocking on a thousand doors, she found Juhudi Kilimo and was introduced to Kiva. She lives in the Matuu area of Kenya. She is blessed with lovely children who are her greatest motivation in life. She perseveres because she wants to provide a better future for them. Susan was unable to study and have a professional career because of the economic situation that her family faced. However, she never gave up, and she has been practicing farming for the past nine years. Her determination to persist without giving up hope is her major weapon in fighting poverty.

Susan is taking this loan to pay for the installation of a complete drip irrigation kit and water pump. This will help her to solve the problem of water shortages on her farm by optimizing the use of available water and minimizing waste. Her crops will therefore take a shorter period to flower, and thus she will reap handsomely. She is confident that her income level will change and enable her to have an easy time caring for her family.

Susan thanks her lenders in advance for their goodwill in her life.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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