A loan helped a member buy thread, fabric, and trimmings, and with sewing machine maintenance.

Nascente Group's story

This is the Nascente group; they are humbly asking for the investors' help to continue expanding their businesses. They are friends and live in the community of Jardim Angela in São Paulo. In addition to their families, they act in solidarity with other people in the community who need help. Antonilda is the group leader; she is married and an excellent mother who is supporting her children and caring for her household through her work. Antonilda works in sewing; she makes and sells sheets, bed spreads, and bath towels. The loan is going to help her buy thread, fabric, and trimmings, and with sewing machine maintenance.
Antônio is a stonemason and is going to buy tools. Elisangela has a restaurant and is going to buy food. Josenilda sells cleaning products. They are all grateful for the investors' commitment.

In this group: Antonilda , Antonio , Josenilda , Elizângela

Translated from Portuguese by Kiva volunteer Tricia Perry.

This loan is special because:

This is one of few affordable credit options for low-income borrowers in São Paulo, Brazil.

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