A loan helped to buy staple grains, rice, eggs, vegetables, etc. in order to have the ingredients to make the food she sells.

Alba Adaly's story

Alba is married and lives with her family, made up of her husband and one of her children who is 19 years old and still a dependent. She has one other son who is grown and lives abroad. Her husband is an employee.

For 20 years Alba has had her own business making food to sell. She learned this job through her own effort. She has worked for a long time, and her advantage is that she likes what she does. She works from Monday to Sunday with no fixed schedule.

She will use the loan to buy staple grains, rice, eggs, vegetables, etc. in order to have the ingredients to make the food she sells. The investment will help her strengthen her business and increase her earnings. She also believes she'll have the opportunity to better organize her business.

Alba's dream is to make her business grow and open a mini market to meet other needs of her customers. She also wants to transmit her knowledge to her children so that in the future they can run the business.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Laurie Hiller.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in El Salvador.

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