A loan helped to buy products like corn flour, wheat flour, oil, plates, bags, sodas, meat, bread, sausage, and common use products.

Concepción's story

Concepción is 43 years old and is married. He has three children and lives with his family in the town of Roatán which is on an island in the bay.

He has worked for eight years in a small grocery store where he sells oil, groceries, creamer for coffee, baby food, cereal, vinegar, eggs, pasta, dairy products, canned foods, fruits vegetables, flours, and meats. His business is located in his house. He previously worked in plumbing.

He has decided to request a loan with the institution for 30,000 Lempiras (Honduran currency) to invest in corn flour, wheat flour, oil, plates, flatware, bags, sodas, meat, bread, canned soups, sausages, mortadella, and common use products. Receiving this funding will allow him to buy more products to give more variety to his customers.

His goal is to give his children a good education, expand his business, and be recognized as a supermarket.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Teresa Lorenz-Do.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by financial education and provides borrowers access to a savings account.

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