A loan helped a member to buy sheep to fatten for resale.

Deme Group's story

Fatoumata is a 39-year-old Malian woman who is illiterate. She raises sheep and resides in Mali. In the group photo, she is the member with a hand raised. She is married with 6 children who are not school educated. Her husband is a farmer. She borrows from RMCR to buy sheep and grow her sheep farming business in an effort to bolster her revenue.

Fatoumata buys sheep at local markets, then raises and fattens them to resell in her village. Her profits have exceeded 80,000fcfa in 8 months.

She has been in this business for over 10 years. Raising livestock is the easiest and most profitable activity in the region which is why she chose to do this work.

In this group: Diadio, Mamadou, Amadou, Fatoumata Abdoulaye, Souaibou, Hawa, Dabatou, Fatoumata , Yaya, Soumaila

Translated from French.

This loan is special because:

It empowers farmers and entrepreneurs in underserved areas in Mali.

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