A loan helped a member to purchase a variety of shoes to sell.

Las Triunfadoras Group's story

The group called Las Triunfadoras is in its loan cycle number 11 in the women's committee program. They are formed by female heads of household who joined together to be able to get a better quality of life through their work together, in addition to the help that Fundación Paraguaya offers them.

Silvia helps support her family with her work. She works selling shoes and says that she has an established customer base since she always offers good quality shoes at a good price. Silvia saw an opportunity to be able to grow and improve, and for this she decided to join this committee.

She asks for this loan to purchase a variety of shoes to sell and at a better cost if it is in bulk, in this way she will be able to continue with her sales as she has been doing.

In this group: Zulma, Fatima, Gloria, Sara, Valentina, Estelvina, Maria, Silvia, Cinthia, Juana, Noelia, Sara, Florentina, Marta, Dora

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It helps reach the underserved

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