A loan helped to buy necessary fabrics and threads to develop her sewing and embroidery business.

Gulruhsor's story

This young woman is Gulruhsor. She is the mother of three children. Gulruhsor's husband is a migrant worker. Her children go to school.

Gulruhsor provides sewing services which are in high demand. She started her sewing business five years ago and relentlessly continues it these days. Gulruhsor takes orders for making Tajik national dresses with hand-made embroidery. She does not only earn income from this activity, but also enjoys it very much. Gulruhsor wants to purchase necessary fabrics and threads in order to expand her business. In order to achieve this goal, she is applying for a loan. Gulruhsor believes in your support and in the further success of her business.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Irina Medukha.

This loan is special because:

It allows Tajik artisans to support their families and carry on important handicraft traditions.

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