A loan helped to pay for plowing expenses to cultivate rice this season.

Sarim's story

Sarim is a 39-year-old married mother of four children, and she lives in the Kampong Chhnang province in Cambodia. She and her husband are farmers, and have been cultivating rice and to earn a living since 1995, typically making around USD 20 per day. Her husband sometimes plays Khmer traditional music for extra income.

Sarim is requesting a loan to pay for plowing expenses to cultivate rice this season. This loan will help her have enough money to cultivate on time so that she will be able to gain better rice crops to support the family.

In the future, Sarim is going to expand her farmland, save money to build a new house, and help her children earn a higher education.

This loan is special because:

It supports the social and economic well-being of low-income families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details