A loan helped a member to buy 20 dresses, 10 pairs of trousers, 5 shirts, etc. to sell to her clients during the Easter period.

Kazi Ni Kazi Group's story

Bertha (pictured above with her hand raised) is 57, entrepreneurial and the leader of the Kazi Ni Kazi group. She is the mother of 7 children, all of whom are currently in higher education. She makes a living by selling clothes, and her husband is an engineer.

Bertha started her business with the support of her husband in 1982, and specialises in clothing for children and teenagers, and works out of the shopping centre in Birere. She occasionally goes from house to house to sell her wares to families, as well as going to offices to try and attract new clients to buy clothes for their children. Bertha buys her stock in Kampala.

This is Bertha's fourth loan with IMF Hekima, and she would like to thank all her lenders for their support of small entrepreneurs. She has applied for this loan so that she can buy 20 dresses, 10 pairs of trousers and 5 shirts - among other articles - to sell to her clients during the Easter period.

Bertha's goal is to see all of her children finish university.

In this group: Julienne, Akwiline, Francine , Zaluke , Mulamba Yema Jeanne, Marceline, Jorime, Josephine, Patrick, Josephine, Richard, Helene, Esperance, Bertha, Julien , Gisele, Marie-Claire, Cecile, Rachel, Generose, Neema , Takubusoka Riziki

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It serves entrepreneurs in conflict-affected areas with few opportunities.

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