A loan helped to purchase basic ingredients, such as meat, flour, plantains, condiments, and other ingredients for making and selling food.

Johana Elizabeth's story

Johana is 30 years old, and she is a single mother. She lives with her child in a community in the town of Cuyamel, Cortes. She makes and sells breakfasts, such as sweet plantains with beans and butter, baleadas [Honduran tortillas], and pastries. And, she also sells birthday cakes. She has been engaged in this occupation for two years, and she sells from her home. She decided to request a loan of 30,000 Lempiras in order to invest in the purchase of basic ingredients, such as meat, flour, plantains, condiments, and other ingredients for making and selling food. This will help her to improve her business by having the basic ingredients for making meals to meet her customers' demands. Her goal is to increase her income in order to continue providing an education for her child, and improve her location and her living conditions.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It supports single mothers raising families on very little income.

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