A loan helped to buy mineral fertilizer and potato seeds for her farming business in order to get a good harvest and increase her income.

Gulchamon's story

Gulchamon is 43 years old and married with three children. She is a very proactive woman who always tries to provide a good life for her family. She is a farmer and has been working in this trade for more than 20 years. In order to earn extra money, she deals with animal husbandry.

Gulchamon has a three-hectare rented plot of land where she sows potatoes and wheat. She earns a small income and is poor. She is barely able to provide food and clothing for her family. She is running her farm alone. It is very difficult for her to be the main breadwinner and earn money for her family's expenses.

The planting season is coming up, but Gulchamon lacks funds to buy mineral fertilizer and seeds. She is asking for a loan for the third time from IMON International Bank for 10,000 TJS. She will use the loan to buy mineral fertilizer and potato seeds for her farming business in order to get a good harvest and increase her income.

Gulchamon awaits your support and help with thanks.

This loan is special because:

It supports low-income female farmers while minimizing interest payments.

Loan details

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