A loan helped to purchase cattle to expand her business and renovate her house.

Sabohat's story

Sabohat is a kind woman from the Khuroson district. She is 32 and works in animal husbandry. Raising and caring for livestock brings her pleasure and she has been working in this field for more than eight years. She lives with her husband. She has a high school education but despite this is a very smart and social woman.

Currently, Sabohat is planning to expand her business. She needs to increase her head count of livestock and is asking for your support. She will use part of the loan amount to purchase livestock and the remainder to do some home renovations. She hopes very much for your kindness and understanding.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Kat Tancock.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of women and their families.

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