A loan helped to buy yarn materials to carry her through the entire year so she can plan her income in a systematic way.

Kanika's story

Weaving has helped Kanika earn her independence. She has developed her weaving skills greatly over the past few years and has worked to learn how to budget, save and plan for the future.

Kanika has a speech impediment and for many years she struggled to find a livelihood so she could support herself. Weaving opened up a new world of opportunity for her – she is able to live independently for the first time now.

She is especially proud that she is able to support her grandmother. When Kanika was younger, her grandmother took care of her for many years and she’s glad to return the support – she even helped pay for a new addition to her grandmother’s house this year, all made possible by weaving hammocks.

Kanika is taking out a loan so that she can plan out her income in a systematic way for the coming year. She is really excited about applying her new financial skills to budget and save!

This loan is special because:

It creates employment opportunities for vulnerable populations living in remote rural areas.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details