A loan helped to buy yarn, fabric, and other needed tools for her work in sewing.

Hana's story

Hana, who appears in the photo, is a 33-year-old married refugee woman who lives with her family in Jabalia in the Gaza Strip. She is a mother of five adorable children. She tries hard to raise her kids in the best conditions and cover all their needs. Her husband works in the public sector, where he earns a low income. This income can barely cover all the basic needs of the family.

Hana works in sewing in order to help her husband with living expenses, especially in the difficult economic situation. She went to Palestine for Credit and Development (FATEN) to request a US dollar loan to buy yarn, fabric, and other needed tools for her work in sewing.

She hopes you will help by funding her loan.

This loan is special because:

It benefits refugees who have been marginalized

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details