A loan helped to pay for labor costs.

Francisco's story

Mr. Francisco is 54 years old, separated, and has 7 children, 2 of whom are adults and have their own homes. The other 5 are attending secondary school and he's responsible for them.

To take care of them he makes bricks, work he has done since his childhood and with which he built his house. He is a responsible man who even in the absence of his wife did not let himself be shaken. He continued to educate his children by giving them what they needed to live.

This is his first loan with HLUVUKU. With it, he will pay for labor costs of his workers. The workers are paid the same day they make the bricks, they do not wait until the bricks are sold. He will repay the loan with the income from his work and sales.

He dreams of having a storage yard. He counts with the help of new loans from HLUVUKU to realize this dream.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Portuguese by Kiva volunteer Francis Gonzalez.

This loan is special because:

It provides capital in underserved areas.

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