A loan helped a member to hire laborers to help her on her farm.

Shar Pin Hla(5) C Village Group C's story

37-year-old Thida, standing on the right, is a young energetic woman who farms groundnut, sesame and pigeon peas on her 5.8 acre farm. She is married but her spouse has migrated to a nearby town to search for a better job. She looks after their two school-aged children.

"This loan will be a great help for my family and my business. I need help to harvest the crop so I am planning to hire laborers," Thidar explains.

There are around 370 households in Shar Pin Hla village, located in the dry zone of Myanmar.

Included in the picture are: Tin, Thidar, Htay, Than Nwet, Yu, Than and Yin.

In this group: Tin , Thidar , Htay, Than Nwet, Yu , Than , Yin

This loan is special because:

It supports economic growth for an entire village.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details