A loan helped .

Naima's story

As a child, I had a hard time answering the question, 'what do you want to be when you grow up?' I knew that I wanted to help people and that I would be more than just one thing. My parents modeled career fluidity. My dad was an early childhood educator, sculptor and a technician for The Gas Company. My mother, a talk-radio producer and actor, took hair styling gigs on weekends.

I was born in Brooklyn, NY to an extended Jamaican family. When I was three, my parents moved to Los Angeles, California where I was raised with my brother, graduated from college, and began my first career as a high school teacher. Within ten years, I taught public school in three cities – Los Angeles, D.C and New York.

I was pregnant in 2008 with my first child, and boy was I naïve. I thought that giving birth happened the way it does in the movies – her water breaks, she runs to the hospital, and three pushes later there’s a baby. Luckily, I discovered an army of birth professionals – doulas, midwives, childbirth educators – who helped me navigate my choices before birth and supported me after.

In 2012 I become a doula – a trained support person who’s like a coach for labor - and a childbirth educator. I worked in private practice for six months before quickly burning-out. I learned that being on-call 24/7 was not sustainable. So, in 2013 I joined forces with my co-founder, Michele, to form a two-doula partnership. We built a system around sharing the on-call schedule and within a year our partnership model was so successful that we decided to share it with others by starting an agency.

And through that experience my career as a birth professional was born.

This loan is special because:

This loan is special because it helps a self-starter woman entrepreneur grow her doula agency.

Loan details

About For Your Birth

Industry: Health
Years in operation: New Business
Website: foryourbirth.com


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Loan details