A loan helped to continue and complete her studies in industrial breadmaking.

Erika Helen's story

Erika lives in Lima with her parents. She is the single mother of two children. She studies industrial bread-making at SENATI, and she is on the road to being the first professional in her family. She chose the career because of her experience in baking and her constant desire to learn new things. She is passionate about her career, which she finds gratifying in everything that she does.

She divides her time between her studies and her job of maintenance worker in a gymnasium. She knows that if she makes an effort she will be capable of achieving her goals. Her dream is to have her own patisserie or bakery. She wants to be the best in what she does and become an example for her children, who are her great motivation in life and thus can be proud of her, having a better future.

She lacks one year to finish her studies, but she doesn't have the economic resources. It is for that reason that she is applying for the support of Kiva to be able to complete the dream that she has begun.

Erika says goodbye with the following words, "On receiving the support, I would only feel gratitude because you would help me to achieve my dream, and from now on, thanks to God for the supportive people who put [me] on my path, thank you from the heart."

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Pam McMurry.

This loan is special because:

It helps low-income students attain top-notch degrees and jobs in their field.

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