A loan helped a member to buy 1,500 pounds of different types of beans.

Flor De Maiz Group's story

Women meet monthly in the “Microcredit Plus” program of Friendship Bridge to repay their loans & receive non-formal education focused on women’s rights, family, health, and business. They are eager to receive both as they cannot access credit and most have little or no formal education. Little by little, these women are able to empower themselves, support their own needs and those of their families, and begin to eliminate poverty.

The Trust Bank “Flor de Maiz” or “Cornflower” is located in the department or state of Totonicapan and includes 9 K’iche’ Maya women. K’iche’ is 1 of 21 Maya languages spoken in Guatemala. The women sell basic grains, plastic containers, and clothing. They are happy to be starting their 2nd Kiva loan cycle.

Marisela is 26 years-old and the Secretary of the Trust Bank. She completed 6 years of schooling and is single. She has a market stand where she sells three types of beans-white, black, & red. Marisela needs a loan to buy 1,500 pounds of different types of beans, which will help her increase her sales and her income.

Thanks to the support of KIVA investors and Friendship Bridge, women can achieve a balanced development and build more successful futures benefitting themselves and their families.

In this group: Santos Barbara, Marisela, Enma Yolanda, Santos Estela, Lucrecia, Maria, Isabel Elias, Jessica Jeaneth, Lesvia

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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Lenders and lending teams

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