A loan helped to buy coffee seedlings and supplies.

Roberto's story

Roberto is 45 years old. He is married and lives with his wife and children. With this loan he hopes to buy some coffee seedling plants to replant at the beginning of the rains, with the objective of increasing the density of plants per area. With these improvements to the crop, he hopes to obtain a little bit of profit and so improve his living conditions and also achieve some goals.

This is the second loan that he has received from Fudecosur. He had not had other loans before from state banks, but Fudecosur has given him the loans with greater ease and a much lower interest rate.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Donna Davison.

This loan is special because:

It reaches rural borrowers that are considered too risky for traditional banks.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details