A loan helped to purchase a program to systematize her business, with a program that allows her to create invoices, orders, and more.

Karen's story

This is Karen, a 29-year-old woman who works making and selling food. She has a retail space which, thanks to her cooking, cleaning friendliness, and good service, has been growing in customers.

She lives in the municipality of Apartadó, a post-conflict zone, resulting in this loan presenting greater risk.

She comes to the Kiva community asking for a loan to purchase a program to systematize her business, with a program that allows her to create invoices, orders, and more.

The reason for the loan is that she wants to update herself, to give better service, and to have a means to track her sales, the most selected dishes, and more.

If you want to know more about the entrepreneurs and the loans from Interactuar, you can join the Lending Team called: “Friends of Interactuar Colombia”: http://www.kiva.org/team/interactuar_colombia

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It helps internally-displaced people in Colombia rebuild and sustain their livelihoods.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details