A loan helped to purchase potato and carrot seeds, and mineral fertilizers.

Mohpari's story

This is Mohpari. She is 34 years old, and was born in Jomi. Mohpari is a lovely wife and mother of two. She is kind, hospitable and hard-working woman. Mohpari has a secondary education. Together with her husband, she works in the field of horticulture and animal husbandry, and they provide for the family. Mohpari has a lot of experience in horticulture, because she helped her parents when she was a child. She plans to plant a new harvest, and to realize these plans Mohpari needs your support. With the allocated sum, she plans to buy potato and carrot seeds, but in order to be successful she also plans to buy mineral fertilizers. Mohpari is hoping for your support, as this is the only source of income for her family, and she expresses her thanks to you.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of women and their families.

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