A loan helped a member to buy a variety of high-quality multi-colored threads.

Flores Del Campo Group's story

Friendship Bridge Trust Banks are located throughout the Guatemala's Highlands. Each Trust Bank is formed by women in the community who come together to support one another, repay their Kiva loans, and grow their knowledge in four main areas: women, family, health, and business. This is part of Friendship Bridge's "Microcredit Plus" program of loans and education. The “Flores Del Campo” Trust Bank, located in the department of Totonicapán, is made up of 10 Mayan women who have a vision of eliminating poverty in their families and their communities. They are beginning their first loan cycle with Kiva. They look forward to infusing new capital into their businesses.

Catarina is the group's secretary and coincidentally received a secretarial diploma. She is 21 years old and married with no children. She lives in a community where both men and women work hard weaving fabric for traditional skirts (cortes). The finished products are sold wholesale inside and outside the community. Catarina is requesting a loan to buy a variety of high-quality multi-colored threads.

Catarina and her friends are grateful to Kiva investors for giving them a helping hand with generous funds that provide for a pathway out of poverty. They are also grateful to Friendship Bridge for the educational sessions. Thank you!

In this group: Ana Maldonado , Catarina Rosmery , Candelaria , Catarina , Juana , Maria , Catarina , Vilma Josefina, Floridalma , Esther

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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