A loan helped to buy clothing material, wax cotton, and ready-made clothes to sell to her customers.

Aminata's story

Greetings from Waterloo1, a community near a small and busy rural area in Sierra Leone.

This is 30-year-old Aminata. She is a married mother and she is blessed with 5 children.

Aminata runs a retail business. Within a busy market area, she sells clothing material, ready-made clothes, and wax cotton material. Aminata has been in this business for the past 10 years and she has been a trader all of her life.

Seemingly distinct businesses are often mixed in Sierra Leone. The idea being that a customer will come to purchase one thing, but will leave having purchased another. Aminata works 15 hours per day, 6 days per week. She desires to take care of herself and develop her business. She says that despite insufficient finance, her business is doing well.

Aminata wants to use this loan to buy clothing material, wax cotton, and ready-made clothes to sell to her customers. She would like to see her business grow in the next 5 years. She really wants to improve her life and is grateful to BRAC Sierra Leone and to the Kiva community for their financial support.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with access to funding in areas where there are limited alternative source of finance.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details