A loan helped a member to pay for improved seed, organic inputs and tractor rental which will allow these farmers to escape subsistence by farming a larger area with a higher yield.

Fa's Survivors Group's story

Fatmata D (first from right) is widow with eight children who lost her husband to Sierra Leone's recent Ebola crisis. Fatmata is a proud farmer who supports her family through her farming. She has organized other women in her area who suffered greatly as a result of the crisis in order to access a KIVA loan and Mountain Lion Agriculture support. All these women, like Fatmata, are currently trapped in a cycle of subsistence and take extremely high-interest loans for poor quality inputs during planting time. A low interest KIVA loan will enable this group of determined women to get back on their feet and back in business. In Sento's own words: "we want to work. If we can be given a good loan then our community will thrive, we will have food and our children will be in school.

In this group: Fatmata, Kadiatu, Haya, Sallay, Isatu, Adama, Amie, Marie, Binty, Aminata, Kadiatu

This loan is special because:

It enables farmers to access farm inputs to improve their yield for increased income.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details