A loan helped to provide more jobs and training to unskilled workers in Kenya.

Lulea's story

The Problem

Poverty is prevalent in Kenya due to lack of jobs. There are few opportunities for people to develop their skills. Lack of investment in the manufacturing sector and poor quality products have resulted in imported products gaining market share.

The Solution

French designer Edmond Chesneau (image 2 in the center) started LLK Limited's Lulea brand to prove that high quality luxury premium products can be manufactured in Kenya. LLK Limited manufactures luxury leather based products such as bags, wallets and belts. Their aim is to promote Kenya as a sourcing destination for premium goods while promoting employment. They employ unskilled people locally and train them to manufacture high quality products. Currently, the target market for the company includes local affluents and expats living in Kenya. By producing premium goods they are able to pay their artisans upto 5 to 6 times the average salary prevelent in the disadvantaged areas, where unemployment is as high as 40%.

Loan use and impact

The loan will be used to purchase raw materials, sewing equipment and cover training expenses. The loan will help LLK increase their workforce by more than 125%. Thanks to the loan they will train and employ 9 additional unskilled workers.

This loan is special because:

it promotes Kenya as a sourcing destination for premium goods while creating employment to unskilled labour

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details