A loan helped a member to buy fish and chickens to increase the restaurant's supply.

Miel Plus Group's story

Gaby K., 42 years old, is the president of a group of borrowers, comprising 27 members, named "Miel Plus," which means "Honey" in English.
She has been running her own restaurant since 2006, and has been a part of this Community Bank, "Miel Plus," since November 2008. Gaby has gained solid experience in the management of her restaurant, which is located in the northwest part of Kinshasa. She and her group have already received one set of loans from Kiva through the microfinance institution Hope RDC (one of Kiva's field partners), which they repaid without incident. With this next loan, she intends to buy fish and chickens to increase her restaurant's supply, with the goal of satisfying the needs of her constantly increasing clientele and increasing her profits. In addition to her ambition of extending her business by adding an outdoor seating area, Gaby also dreams one day of building a house for her family. She and her group are determined to develop their businesses with the financial support of Kiva through the loans they obtain from Hope RDC. Gaby is married and and has five children, aged between 4 and 16. All of them go to school.

In this group: Gaby, Elisée, Bernadette, Edine, Tina, Marie, Claudine, Liwandi, Andeka, Dondo, Pauline, Françoise, Masele, Béatrice, Tatiana, Sudila, Justine, Paul, Marceline, Kapinga, Béa, Judith, Rose, Aloko, Sylvie, Madly, Carine

Translated from French.

Loan details

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Loan details