A loan helped to purchase improved farm inputs that will increase farm yield.

Safiyanu's story

Safiyanu, a Babban Gona maize farmer, is married and lives in a modest mud house with his family in Kwakware village. Safiyanu is a meticulous farmer who has invested time and resources in his farm. Like every parent, he hopes to see his 2 children work twice as hard and become successful in the future.

Owing to his inner zeal and enthusiasm, Safiyanu is able to ensure that his family eats 1 square meal a day. In order for Safiyanu to keep improving his yield and as a result feed his family, he needs access to high quality inputs, such as fertilizers, herbicides and better-yielding seeds. Luckily, as a Babban Gona member, Safiyanu will be provided with a full suite of the best inputs to optimize his farm and increase his yield up to 3.8 metric tonnes per hectare; 2 times the national average.

With increased yield and an income of up to 2.8 times the average, Safiyanu looks forward to using his additional income to pay his children's school fees. Safiyanu is a happy Babban Gona farmer. He says his marriage was his best memory. Safiyanu looks forward to a brighter future with Babban Gona as he too has joined the fight against poverty.

This loan is special because:

It supports smallholder farmers and helps them increase yields.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details