A loan helped to purchase 3 heifers to fatten and later sell at better prices.

Veronica Azucena's story

Verónica currently lives in her own home with her partner and their two children. Her partner earns a living working in agriculture, and they also have a son that is independent and helps them financially so that they can have a better quality of life.

Verónica is a woman who likes to help with the expenses of her family and for this reason she has her own business raising and selling livestock, an activity that she has been developing for the past 4 years. She also prepares artisanal bread to sell, work that she learned with the help of her mother.

She desires to improve the inventory of her business and so she has applied for a loan. With the capital she will be able to purchase 3 heifers to fatten and later sell them at better prices. She hopes to increase the number of animals in order to have a better inventory to offer to her customers.

Her goals are to improve her earnings to pay off her debts, and also to provide her family with a more dignified quality of life.

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in El Salvador.

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