A loan helped to pay for potatoes (650 kgs) and fertilizer to cultivate potatoes and sell them to earn income for the family.

Naira's story

Meet again Naira from Shirak region. Naira, her husband and two children still live in Saratak village. Naira's two children attend a village school.

While her husband works as a migrant worker in a neighboring country to support their two children, Naira began a farming business. Currently, she keeps a cow, a calf, and bulls, and cultivates wheat, barley, potatoes and beets. She's excited to be distributing her own products and now she’s even more passionate about enlarging her potato cultivation and making sales after receiving her first Kiva loan.

She plans to use this second Kiva loan to pay for potatoes (650 kgs) and fertilizer to cultivate potatoes and sell them to earn income for the family. Unfortunately, a lack of access to loan products, bad market conditions and high costs make a number of difficulties for people to develop their businesses in the Shirak region. Shirak is considered a poor region, where the unemployment rate is very high and living standards are quite low. Naira hopes for lenders' support to earn a higher income so she can provide better living conditions to her beloved family.

This loan is special because:

It provides flexible support for rural communities with fewer opportunities.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details