A loan helped a member to plow her farmland in order to grow more cassava.

Chandy's Group's story

Chandy is 25 years old and an existing borrower with VisionFund as well. Nowadays, she is living with two dependent children in a rural area of Kratie province, Cambodia. Her daily business has been planting rice and cassava for about seven years. Her family’s income is unstable since the price of cassava has decreased at the market.

In order to save her farming business, Chandy decided to create a group of two members to request a loan via VisionFund again. This is her third loan cycle and she fully repaid both the previous loans on time. As a group leader, she will use her loan portion to plow her farmland in order to grow more cassava. Through her hard work, she hopes to gain a good yield and be able to sell it at a better price.

In this group: Chandy, Ngaol

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of people living in financially excluded areas.

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