A loan helped a member to add more groceries to her store.

Channy Group's story

Channy, 36, is a married mother of two school aged children who lives in a village in Kratie Province of Cambodia. She is a grocery seller and has been operating her shop to earn an income to support her family's living for the past three years. Her family income is also aided by her husband, who is a handicraft worker.

The group of three members is led by Channy, who appears the first on the right. She would like to use her loan share to add more groceries to her store. She believes this loan will allow her to fulfill her customers' needs and increase her family profits as well. In the future, she is going to enlarge her farm, build a new house, and help her children to get higher education.

In this group: Chanthea, Mary, Channy

This loan is special because:

It provides low-income rural communities with access to finance and training services.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details