A loan helped a member to pay wages for laborers during harvest time and to buy feed for her pigs and cows.

Nyaung Pin 1 (D) Village Group's story

Hla, first from the right in the picture, is the featured borrower of this village group, called Nyaung Pin (D). Together with Hla in the picture are: Mya, San and Mi. She lives in the Dry Zone, in Myanmar, which contains more than a quarter of Myanmar’s population, of whom 83 percent are farmers or farm laborers.

Hla is 44 years old and is blessed with four children. Three of her children are students and she wants them to finish school well. However, as education costs are high nowadays, Hla and her husband work very hard to support their three school-aged children. Like other villagers, Hla is a small farmer who owns seven acres of farmland. Mostly she grows chickpeas and pulses. To supplement their crop income, Hla raises pigs and cows. By raising these animals as they are very helpful on their pulse farm to help with heavy work and provide manure. Hla is planning to utilize this loan for paying wages for laborers during the harvest time and some will be used to buy feed for the pigs and cows.

In this group: Hla, Mya, San, Mi

This loan is special because:

It supports economic growth for an entire village.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details