A loan helped a member to buy bags of cereals and condiments in order to resell them.

Mougnoussin Group's story

Alphahan is the woman in the center of the photo holding the oil. She is a 46-year-old widow and mother of five children, ages eight to 12, three of whom are in school. She hopes to increase her earnings and ensure her family's self-sufficiency.

Alphahan received an education and lives in the Ségou region of Mali. Her main line of work is petty commerce, and she also stores cereals. She borrows from a microfinance institution in order to increase her earnings.

Alphahan buys her goods in the local markets and sells in her village to satisfy the villagers' needs. Her monthly income can stretch into the ten thousands (XOF). The requested loan will be immediately used for her trade and storage work, and can help in other areas such as livestock and market gardening.

In this group: Alphahan, Gbossohan, Koussé Karaba, Gnouwa, Fatoumata, Sohan, Ourahan, Tjounka, Tomy, Tjounka, Tene, Sogo, Péhan, Hannou

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It empowers farmers and entrepreneurs in underserved areas in Mali.

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