A loan helped to buy fuel, nets, strings, and motor maintenance.

Erika Marisol's story

San Jacinto is a fishing town, its economy is based on fishing, salt extraction, tourism, trade and artisan crafts such as fishing nets and products using small seashells.

Erika is 23 years old and is in a civil marriage from which she has two children ages 8 and 2. Both are students. Her husband is a fisherman.

Erika is a very good wife who tries to help her husband with the heavy charge of supporting their household. For this reason, she started seeking loans to invest in his work. He has a small boat from which he fishes. He leaves early in the morning, working from 4 a.m. to noon or later. He has a helper. Once they return, they bring vendors the seafood products that the ocean has given them so they can be taken from the beach to other cities. Sometimes they deliver to retail shops in the area.

This loan will be used to buy fuel, nets, strings, and motor maintenance. This loan group has been through three loan cycles. Erika likes it because the help it has provided has helped their business grow. She also likes the health insurance, trainings and group meetings. Her dream is to have a shop in her home.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Levy.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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