A loan helped to buy a cow.

Safija's story

Safija B. was born in 1957 and comes from town of Bratunac. She lives there with her son and daughter-in-law. Her son is employed, but Safija and her daughter-in-law are not. They are busy in the field producing vegetables, and they started orchard farming last year. Safija owns the meadows and sells the grass every year.

Safija decided to request her first loan from WWI (Žene za žene International) in the amount of 1000 KM to buy a cow. Safija saved some money and together with this loan, she will have enough to buy a cow. In this way, Safija's family will have enough milk and milk products and she hopes to be able to sell some as well.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details