A loan helped to pay for her child’s university tuition.

Karchugai's story

Karchugai was born in 1964 and is a married woman who has children. She is a very kind and responsible woman. She works at the state organization for a low salary as a cleaner. She has been working for more than sixteen years in this sphere. Karchugai lives poorly because her salary is not enough for her big family. As the breadwinner of her family, she is trying to educate her child. Her child is a student, and the university is asking for tuition. Although her child is studying very well, Karchugai doesn't have the money to pay for the university tuition.

Karchugai doesn’t want to see him broken-hearted, and she knows he is unhappy. She wants to encourage her child, which is why she is asking for a loan of 3,000 TJS. She awaits your support and mercy. She hopes that, with your support, her child can continue his studies.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of women and their families.

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