A loan helped to purchase a minibus and her husband will work on transportation to generate a stable income.

Shorena's story

Shorena is 48 years old. She lives in Tkibuli district with her husband and 2 sons. The family is involved in agricultural activities. In particular, they have 15 bee-hives with bee-colonies, 3 cows and a calf. They produce honey and sell locally at a good price. Shorena is a teacher at a local public school and gets a small monthly income.

As their income is not enough for a 4 member family to cover all their expenses, Shorena decided to purchase a minibus. The Start Up program, which is a joint initiative with Kiva and Credo enables her to get a loan of 7200 GEL. When the minibus is purchased, her husband will be able work on transportation and will be able to get a stable income. With the increased income the family will improve their living conditions.

Shorena awaits your support.

This loan is special because:

It helps vulnerable women start a new business.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details