A loan helped to build a pen and to buy chickens, feed and vaccines.

Magdalena Lucia's story

Magdalena is 39 years old. She is married and has six children ages 19, 17, 14, 13, 11 and 10. They are all students. They live in the Las Palmitas neighborhood near the beach in Pedernales. Their house was torn apart in the earthquake and they are living in a temporary house made from sugarcane that they built where their home sat before it was demolished. They lost all of their personal possessions.

Magdalena and her husband used to earn a living raising and selling chickens in the market. They lost their business when their animals died, some were crushed, and they did not have any money to re-open their business. With this new loan, Magdalena will buy materials to build a pen, chickens, feed and vaccines. They will continue running the business they had before the earthquake and, in this way, provide their children with an education and their family will move forward financially.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Levy.

This loan is special because:

It provides funds to entrepreneurs recovering from a natural disaster.

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