A loan helped a member to cover the education fees of her son.

Thiet's Group's story

Mrs. Thiet, 44 years old, is a Thai ethnic woman. She currently lives with her husband and her son in Mai Son district, under the province of Son La.

Her family lives mainly based on cultivation and breeding, so the income is just enough to cover the living expense of the family. She saves a very little amount. Her son is studying at a college in Son La province, so she wants to borrow a loan to cover the education fee of her son because she does not have enough money to pay.

She hopes that the loan amount will help her son have better conditions for his study, and then when he graduates he will have a good job with stable income.

In this group: Kiệm, Thoan, Thiết, Nghiên, Duyên, Vui, Kim, Liên, Phương, Dược

This loan is special because:

It provides children from low-income families with greater access to education.

Loan details

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