A loan helped a member to buy more maize for kenkey production to nourish and supply her clients and buyers.

Rock Of Ages Group's story

Regina is a young businesswoman. She is a representative of the 'Rock Of Ages' group (see group picture, Regina is at the left).

Regina has been in the kenkey business for the past eight years. She opens her business six days a week from 8am to 6pm.

Regina established her business to help support her children in school. She pays school fees, buys learning materials, and provides food from the profits she gets from the business with the support of her husband.

Regina and her counterpart need a total of 1,800 GHS, of which she is entitled to 600 GHS, which she will use to buy more maize for kenkey production to nourish and supply her clients and buyers. She hopes that this loan will help her generate more profit to support her family. Regina is married and has three children, all of whom attend school.

In the future, Regina plans to generate more money to provide for her children's education. She believes that educating her children to university will better the lives of her family.

Regina and the rest of the group member thank you for your support.

In this group: Regina, Adotey

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers access funding with flexible terms.

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