A loan helped to purchase a dairy cow and cow fodder for her milk-selling business.

Pampi's story

Pampi is a 24-year-old married woman from Falakata. She studied until grade five. She is married to Subrata, who runs a poultry business, and Pampi runs her own dairy business. She rears cows and sells cow milk to her neighbors. She also makes cottage cheese and yogurt from cow milk and sells it to her customers for additional income.

Now she wants to expand her business. An additional cow will grow her asset base and increase her income through more milk production.

With the aim to satisfy her customers’ demands, Pampi seeks to take a loan from Kiva's partner BJS to buy a cow and cow fodder. With the expansion of her business, she is expecting an increase in her monthly income. With the increased income and savings, Pampi wants to buy more cows in the near future to expand her existing dairy business.

She is thankful to her generous lenders.

This loan is special because:

It helps women in very poor districts maintain and grow their businesses.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details