A loan helped to purchase sesame seeds.

Myay Ma Hla -1 Village Group's story

Pictured above are five VLG (Village Lending Group) members named: Thandar, Myo, Win, Phoe and Sein. They will oversee 13 loan clients.

The featured borrower is Thandar (middle in the picture). She is 25 years and a single mother with a child. She works very hard to raise her child well and to have her be schooled until graduation. She aims for her child to be independent and to have a high paid job. With this new loan, Thandar and her fellow members are going to purchase crop seeds to yield more crops at harvest time. Thandar expects to plant and sell Thanakha (Burmese traditional cosmetic paste made from ground bark) to have more financial stability.

Myay Ma Hla group one is one of the villages near Pakkoku Township. There are 110 households, and the main businesses are grocery stores, farming, breeding livestock and migrating to other cities to look for jobs. Climate change can cause a bad effect on harvesting.

This loan is special because:

It supports economic growth for an entire village.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details