A loan helped to purchase pipes, wrenches, and other materials for water and electricity.

Maria Herminia Estrella's story

María is a very determined woman who, despite the adversities, does not give up, rather works tirelessly so to get ahead. She continues on with her hardware store in her house. There, she sells construction materials, though primarily she sells tubes for water sanitation facilities and electric materials. Her daughter is her company in these hard times that they are experiencing, since part of their house collapsed from the effects of the earthquake and, for now, her house doesn't offer the guarantee of living safely, so she asks for help to continue in her business, which allows her to earn her daily sustenance.

This loan is to purchase pipes, wrenches, and other materials for water and electricity. She has been in the loan group since the beginning and she likes it since, thanks to the loans, she earns a living. Her dream is to return to having her house in good condition.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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