A loan helped to invest in repairing his mill and to make adjustments to his vehicle, otherwise he will be affected as these are the main tools of his work.

Simón's story

Simón studied until the 6th grade. He is married and his wife is in business. He has 4 adult children who live apart from him. He lives in his house with only his wife and a granddaughter and they are the only people who are economically dependent on him.
Simón has had a mill for 20 years, and he learned this work when he was young by helping an uncle who had a business doing the same. When he got married, he decided to set-up his own mill so that he could care for his family. In addition to this work, he drives people in a pick-up truck that he owns. He has the mill in his own house and he works there from 8 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon.
He will use the loan to invest in repairing the mill and making adjustments to his vehicle, otherwise he will be affected as these are the main tools of his work.
His greatest dream is to finish raising his granddaughter as he did his children, so that he can see her become a professional and give her a better quality of life.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Alison Hynd.

This loan is special because:

It gives opportunity to families living in high risk areas of El Salvador.

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