A loan helped .

Rob's story

I grew up in the Highlands of Louisville, KY. My folks are blue-collar factory workers who taught me the value of hard work, integrity, and simple living. Early in life, I made many mistakes and lived a self-destructive lifestyle. In my early 20’s I started noticing the ignorance of my ways while working nights at UPS. I would go outside for a smoke break breathing lousy and feeling terrible. I quit smoking, starting working out, and found myself with a new addiction to exercise. Soon this healthy addiction led me to working in the fitness industry.

From 2003 to 2012 I grew from entry-level sales, to GM of multi-million dollar health clubs, to founding manager of a new brand in south Florida, to successful fitness industry consultant.

Nine years, nine cities, and many 80-hour weeks later I was worn out and weary of the corporate rat race. Back in Louisville I met Curtis Hall and we decided to start a fitness company that we could truly believe in. And then came BAREfit…

Curtis, my co-founder and head creative force, was brought up with a love for the outdoors and for sports. Whether it was camping at Otter Creek with his family, learning to start fires with his Boy Scout troop, or waking up early each summer for swim practice, he grew up active and usually covered in dirt.

These loves grew as he worked his first summer at Confrontation Point Ministries, an organization that uses the outdoors and community service to develop youth. There, he was introduced to outdoor adventure sports like rock climbing, trail running, paddling, and cycling. Adventuring in the outdoors, helping preserve wild places for my children to enjoy, and promoting the same to others has been a cornerstone in his life, and heavily influenced his views on health and fitness.

While at the University of Louisville studying Exercise Science these desires to improve his ability to adventure led him to developing the fitness philosophy that has now become BAREfit…

Loan details

About BAREfit Personal Training Co.

Industry: Services
Years in operation: New Business


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details