A loan helped a member to buy cocoa to sell to customers.

Ngaro Ebiri Sinabaniya Group's story

Flazia is 66 years and married. She lives in Bundibugyo, Uganda. Flazia works in the cocoa trade and she gets additional income from cocoa growing. She was encouraged to enter the cocoa business by her biological parents who grow and sell cocoa as the major family activity to generate income. Flazia became involved in this business to earn an income and provide basic needs for her family. She is hardworking but is challenged by competition and limited capital.

Flazia will use her portion of this group loan to buy more cocoa to resell to her local customers. She is a member of the Ngaro Ebiri Sinabaniya Group whose members will guarantee one another for this loan. Flazia wants to expand her business and own a big cocoa store.

In this group: Flazia, Qukina, Slyvia, Scola, Harriet, Spice, Everket, Harriet, Consolate, Aidah, Lucia, Meridah, Asta, Fulgensio, Qulina, Finer, Vicky, Ester

This loan is special because:

It targets extremely rural populations.

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